The Sound of Silence
The Sound of Silence

— Exploring a Zen Koan for Everyday Life “Two hands clap and there is a sound. What is the sound of one hand clapping?” This question is one of the most famous koans in the study of Zen Buddhism. A koan is a puzzling, often paradoxical statement or question used in Zen practice to provoke deeper understanding and to train intuition. Today, let’s explore this koan in a way that’s straightforward and relatable. Understanding the Koan To start, imagine clapping your hands. The clapping noise you hear is created by the impact between your two hands coming together. This sound […]

The Art of Surrender
The Art of Surrender

– Finding Fulfillment by Letting Go “The most important thing in life cannot be pursued but they must be surrendered.” We spend a good portion of our lives chasing after things we believe will bring us happiness, fulfillment, or love. We chase promotions, dream homes, and perfect relationships – all in the pursuit of a better life. But what if the key to these very things lies not in relentless pursuit, but in a surprising act of surrender? This seemingly paradoxical idea is explored by many philosophers and spiritual traditions. The quote, “The most important thing in life cannot be […]

Find Your Inner Peace
Find Your Inner Peace

-A Guide to Mindfulness and Meditation In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, and constant busyness. This is where mindfulness and meditation come in. These practices offer a powerful way to cultivate greater inner peace, clarity, and well-being. Mindfulness is the simple yet profound ability to be fully present in the moment, aware of your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations without judgment. It’s about observing your experience rather than getting caught up in it. Meditation is a practice that trains your mind to be more mindful. There are many different meditation techniques, but most involve […]

Have Some Time To Enjoy The Sunset And Sunrise
Have Some Time To Enjoy The Sunset And Sunrise

-Your life will change In our fast-paced world, if you have time to enjoy a sunrise or sunset you can consider yourself a very blessed person but I would rather say a very rich person. Because glancing up nowadays often feels like a luxury. Managing twenty to thirty minutes from your work schedule just to mindfully enjoy and gaze upon the sky to witness nature’s transformation and on top of it doing nothing might be too much to ask. But trust me it will change your life. When you escape the daily rush, find a peaceful spot in nature, Sit […]

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The Sound of Silence
The Art of Surrender
Find Your Inner Peace
Have Some Time To Enjoy The Sunset And Sunrise
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    A Path To Self-Discovery

    My meditation journey began back in 2001, over two decades ago. Fresh out of school, I met a master who sparked my interest in meditation. Read more…

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